
Niall’s Tuscan Tomato and Bread Soup/Stew


Not a great pic, but seriously, this soup was ‘the shit’. Arriving home very late after a rather long Monday at work, I was greeted by Niall offering up a bowl of this scrumptious soup. It’s from the Anthony Worrell Thompson GI Diet book.  It’s a really hearty soup, that really is more of a […]

Surprisingly yum, who would’ve thought?

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New garlic.  Smelly, smelly stuff.  I was watching The River Cottage Springtime with my friend Hugh Fathoughbly-Whottingfigs and I saw him make this soup.  It looked so simple that I figured what they hey, we’ll give it a go. All you need for Hugh Feathably-Witheringstock’s New Garlic Soup from memory by Aoife Mc Four or […]