Who knew soy sauce could be so…creepy?

I followed a few links and ended up on this lovely London based food blog today.  I’ll definitely be back.  She had a link to the above video which she found on Serious Eats and I just had to share it with y’all.  Something tells me Manuel’s going to be especially fond of this.


No mp3 necessary with this post as the music in the Soy Sauce ad is the best thing I’ve heard all day.

Categories: Blog Trips


  1. But are you absolutely sure it was soy sauce in the bottle? Surely soy sauce alone couldn’t be responsible for that!

  2. Hee hee! It looks like fairly rank soy sauce. Its consistency looks more akin to petrol. Gag. Still – makes for a great romance.

  3. so so so so so so bad…..and why was the soy sauce in a fry’s crisp and dry bottle ? why?

    i may not sleep tonight……

  4. Heh heh! Gross eh?

  5. Wow, I feel like there is hope in the world…..salty black hope

  6. I thought at one stage that they had turned the kid into soya stew!……but unfortunately no.

  7. Leeroy – hope for us all to be sure.

    Jules – in fairness, the stew looks really gross. It definitely would have improved the storyline of the ad if the stew was man-child stew. Heh heh…

  8. Ewwwwwww.. creeeepy!

  9. Ugh, I watched it again and it creeps me out still. Glad you liked it! Kinda.

  10. Su-Lin – it’s hilarious, thanks for pointing me in its direction! I had a lovely time looking through the archives of your blog, I really like it. Looking forward to reading more!

  11. ‘Mommy, how did you meet Daddy?’ Can you imagine telling the kids…

  12. What is wrong with that kids face? Durty!

  13. Jen – hee hee!

    Lottie – seriously! And he’s soooo cheesy when he grows up!